

In her 26 years of teaching English, Shannon McGuire has seen countless misplaced commas, misspelled words and sentence fragments.
But the instructor at US's Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge said her job is getting harder every day.
'I kid you not, the number of errors that I've seen in the past few years have multiplied five times,' she said.
Experts say email and instant messaging are at least partly to blame for an increasing indifference toward the rules of grammar, spelling and sentence structure.
They say the problem is most noticeable in college students and recently graduates.
'They used to at least feel guilty (about mistakes),' said Naomi Baron, professor of linguistics at American University in Washington, D. C. 'They didn't necessarily write a little better, but at least they felt guilty.'
Ironically, Baron's latest book, 'Alphabet to Email: How Written English Evolved and Where It's Heading,' became a victim of sloppy proofreading. The book's title is capitalized differently on the cover, spine and title page. 'People used to lose their jobs over this,' she said. 'And now they just say 'whatever'.'
'Whatever' describes Jeanette Henderson's attitude toward writing. The sophomore at the University of Louisiana at Monroe admits that her reliance on spellcheck has hurt her grades in English class. 'Computer has spoiled us,' she said.
But the family and consumer sciences major believes her future bosses won't mind the mistakes as much as her professor does. 'They're not going to check semicolons, commas and stuff like that,' Henderson said.
LSU's McGuire said she teaches her students to use distinct writing styles that fit their purpose.
She emphasizes that there's the informal language of an email to a friend, but there's also the well thought out and structured academic or professional style. of writing.
It's not just email and instant messaging that are contributing to slack writing habits.
Society as a whole is becoming more informal. Casual wear at work used to be reserved for Friday, for example, but is now commonplace at most offices. There's also a greater emphasis on youth culture, and youth tend to use instant messaging more than adults do.
English language has been neglected at different points in history but always rebounds. During Shakespearen times, for example, spelling wasn't considered important, and early publishers rarely proofread.
There will likely be a social force that recognizes the need for clear writing and swings the pendulum back.


单项选择题The Solar Decathlon is under way, and teams of students from 14 colleges and universities are building solar-powered homes on the National Mall in Washington, D. C. in an effort to promote this alternative energy source. This week judges in this Department of Energy (DOE) sponsored event will evaluate these homes and declare one the winner. Unfortunately, for the participants, it rained on the Sept 26th opening ceremonies, and the skies over the Washington have remained mostly overcast since. However, the conditions may have made for a more revealing demonstration of solar energy than was originally planned.Although the Solar Decathlon's purpose is to advertise the benefits of electricity-generating solar panels and other residential solar gadgets, the bad weather has made it hard to ignore the limitations. As fate so amply demonstrated, not every day is a sunny day, and indeed DOE's 'Solar Village on the National Mall' has received very little of what it needs to run.Since solar is not an always available energy source, even a community consisting entirely of solar homes and businesses would still need to be connected to a constantly-running power plant (most likely natural gas or coal fired) to provide reliable electricity. For this reason, the fossil fuel savings and environmental benefits of solar are considerably smaller than many proponents suggest.Washington, D. C. gets its share of sunny days as well, but even so, solar equipment provides only a modest amount of energy in relation to its cost. In fact, a $ 5, 000 rooftop photovoltaic system typically generates no more than $100 of electricity per year, providing a rate of return comparable to a passbook savings account.Nor do the costs end when the system is installed, lake anything exposed to the elements, solar equipment is subject to wear and storm damage, and may need ongoing maintenance and repairs. In addition, the materials that turn sunlight into electricity degrade over time. Thus, solar panels will eventually need to be replaced, most likely before the investment has fully paid itself off in the form. of reduced utility bills.Solar energy has always had its share of true believers willing to pay extra to feel good about their homes and themselves. But for homeowners who view it as an investment, it is not a good one. The economic realities are rarely acknowledged by the government officials and solar equipment manufacturers involved in the Solar Decathlon and similarly one-sided promotions. By failing to be objective, the pro-solar crowd does consumers a real disservice.The Solar Decathlon is most probably the name of a ______.
