A. smit commit B. smit install C. smit software D. smit verify_install
A. bos.rte.control B. bos.perf C. bos.adt.utils D. perfagent.tools
A. smit system B. smit installp C. smit licenses D. smit list_software
单项选择题Using the schedtune output, memory is considered over-committed if:()
A. more than one process is spinning. B. more than 4 processes become active. C. the system schedules more than 16 processes. D. the pageouts divided by page steals is greater than 1/h.
A. wlmcntrl B. wlmstat C. wlmcheck D. wlmassign
A. errpt -c B. tail -f /var/adm/ras/errlog C. syslogd -d D. /usr/lib/errdemon -s 8192