判断题对到货后因发货人责任造成的残损、短缺或品质等问题的入境货物,发生换货、退货或赔偿等现象时.往往涉及免征关税或退税。检验检疫机构签发的证书可作为通关免税或者退税的重要凭证。( )
判断题填写“出 入境货物报检单”H.S编码栏时,仅填写该商品前四位即可。( )
判断题A mates receipt is the receipt issued by the mate in the acknowledgement of the goods received on board which is subsequently exchanged for the B L or Sea Way Bill.( )
判断题Shipping note is issued by carrier to dock requesting allocation of shipping space.( )
判断题WPA(With Particular Average) provides larger cover than FPA (Free of Particular Average) since it includes partial losses and damages resulting from natural calamities.( )