未分类题某公司拟投资一个建设项目,项目建设期为2年,实施计划进度为:第1年完成项目全部投资的40%,第2年完成项目全部投资的60%,第3年项目投产,投产当年项目的生产负荷达到设计生产能力的80%,第4年项目的生产负荷达到设计生产能力。项目运营期为8年,固定资产使用年限总计为10年,采用平均年限法提取折旧,残值率为4%. 建设投资估算为:项目工程费与工程建设其他费的估算额为12500万元,预备费为:基本预备费率为8%,涨价预备费率为5%.该项目的投资方向调节税为0%. 该项目的资金来源为自有资金和贷款,贷款总额为10000万元,从中国建设银行获得,按照施工计划进度分期贷入,年利率为8%(按季计息)。 建设项目达到设计能力后,全场定员为600人,工资和福利费按照每人每年14000元估算,每年的其他费用为360万元,年外购原材料、燃料及动力费估算为9750万元。年经营成本为15300万元,年修理费占年经营成本10%.各项流动资金的最低周转天数分别为:应收账款36天,现金40天,应付帐款30天,存货40天。 问题:1、估算基本预备费、涨价预备费和建设期贷款利息; 2、用分项详细估价法估算拟建项目的流动资金; 3、估算拟建项目的总投资; 4、计算各年的资产折旧及寿命期未回收的固定资产残值。
未分类题In the 19th century, it was common to hear people in Europe and America say that the resources of the sea were unlimited. For example, a famous biologist said () the mid 1800s that resources of the sea were (). Today there's () that the resources of the sea are as seriously threatened as () of the land and the ai (), the threat to fish is greater () than the threat to birds and land animals because fish are a () needed food resource. Many people throughout the world () fish as an important part of their food and a reduction () the fish supply could have wide () on hunger and the population. Fishermen in the Atlantic, every year, () 20 billion pounds of fish to () food demands. But it is important to () that these practices cannot continue () the using up of the fish resources within the next few years.Sea resources are () declining in many parts of the world and the problem cannot be (). It is only () care and planning in this generation () the food () of the sea can continue () future generations.1、A) on B) in C) at D) by2、A) exhaustible B) inexhaustible C) vast D) uncountable3、A) fact B) event C) evidence D) trend4、A) that B) those C) which D) what5、A) Furthermore B) Regardless of C) Fortunately D) In addition to6、A) by the way B) under way C) in some ways D) to such an extent7、A) many B) as C) much D) such8、A) apply B) utilize C) organize D) depend on9、A) for B) at C) in D) on10、A) affects B) results C) effects D) significance11、A) get B) breed C) consume D) devise12、A) provide B) meet C) supply D) present13、A) refer B) represent C) recognize D) reveal11、A) by B) for C) in D) with15、A) rapidly B) almost C) frequently D) effectively16、A) considered B) adapted C) ignored D) acquired17、A) with B) under C) in D) by18、A) in which B) by which C) in this way D) that19、A) deposits B) supplies C) components D) blocks20、A) with B) by C) for D) on