Given: When line 14 is reached, how many objects are eligible for the garbage collector?()
A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3 E.4
单项选择题Given: When line 11 is reached, how many objects are eligible for garbage collection?()
A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3
单项选择题Given: What is the result?()
A.three B.other C.An exception is thrown at runtime. D.Compilation fails because of an error on line 12. E.Compilation fails because of an error on line13.
多项选择题WhichtwocodefragmentsaremostlikelytocauseaStackOverflowError?() []x = {1,2,3,4,5};for(int y = 0; y < 6; y++) System.out.println(x[y]); B.static int[] x = {7,6,5,4};static { x[1] = 8;x[4] = 3; } C.for(int y = 10; y < 10; y++)doStuff(y); D.void doOne(int x) { doTwo(x); }void doTwo(int y) { doThree(y); }void doThree(int z) { doTwo(z); } E.for(int x = 0; x < 1000000000; x++) doStuff(x); F.void counter(int i) { counter(++i); }
单项选择题WhichcanappropriatelybethrownbyaprogrammerusingJavaSEtechnologytocreateadesktop application?()
A.ClassCastException B.NullPointerException C.NoClassDefFoundError D.NumberFormatException E.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
单项选择题Given: What is the result when method testIfA is invoked?()
A.True B.Not true C.An exception is thrown at runtime. D.Compilation fails because of an error at line 12. E.Compilation fails because of an error at line 19.