
______ when Shanghai was the paradise for imperialist adventurers.
A.Gone are the days
B.Are the days gone
C.Gone the days are
D.Are gone the days




未分类题While much of the attention on fighting AIDS and other diseases in poor countries has focused on access to affordable drugs, concern is now shifting to the question of who exactly, will deliver them. Unfortunately, there is a severe shortage of doctors, nurses and other health-care workers in these countries. According to a report published in this weeks Lancet by the Joint Learning Initiative (JLI), an international consortium of academic centres and development agencies, sub-Saharan Africa has only one-tenth the number of nurses and doctors per head of population that Europe does, though its health-care problems are far mom pressing. (47)The reasons for this are twofold, and well known—not enough health-care workers are trained in the fast place, and too many of those who are trained then leave for better-paid jobs in the rich world. What the report does is to put some numbers on these problems. A mere 5,000 doctors, it finds, graduate in Africa each year (a third of the number that graduate in America). Only 50 of 600 doctors mined in Zambia in recent years are still in the country. There are more Malawian doctors in Manchester than Malawi. (48)And many rich countries exacerbate the problem by recruiting from poor ones to help deal with their own shortages. To overcome all this, the JLI reckons that the world needs 4m more health-care workers, of whom lm are required in sub-Saharan Africa alone. The question is who will pay for them? The report floats some ideas. (49)It recommends that roughly $400m, or 4% of the overseas aid currently spent on health, -be earmarked to help build up the health-care workforce in poor countries. (50)But it also suggests that better use be made of existing resources, for example by employing local volunteers rather than highly trained doctors for many routine matters. As Lincoln Chen of Harvard University, one of the reports authors, points out, a few countries, such as Brazil, Thailand and Iran, have taken steps in the right direction. Others need to follow their lead.

未分类题The Theory of Continental Drift has had a long and turbulent history since it was first proposed by Alfred Wegener in 1910. (46)Vigorously challenged yet widely ignored, the theory had languished for half a century, primarily due to its lack of a plausible mechanism to support the proposed drift. With the discovery of sea-floor spreading in the late 1950s and early 60s, the idea was reinvigorated. Plate tectonics is now almost universally accepted. Many details of the mechanism are to be worked out. The surface of the Earth is divided into approximately six large plates, plus a number of smaller ones. The plates are bounded by an interconnected network of ridges, transform. faults, and trenches. Ridges, also called spreading centers, occur where two plates are moving away from each Other. As the plates separate, hot molten mantle material flows up to fill the void. (47)The increased heat resulting from this flow reduces the density of the plates, causing them to float higher, thus elevating the boundaries by many thousands of feet above the colder surrounding sea floor. (48)Ridges on the ocean floor form. the longest continuous ranges of mountains on the planet, but only in a very few places on the Earth do these mountains rise above the ocean surface. New sea floor is constantly being created along spreading centers. Obviously somewhere else old sea floor must be going away. This occurs in trenches, also called subduction zones. Trenches occur along the boundary between two plates that are moving towards each other. (49)Where this occurs, one plate is bent downwards at about a 400 angle and plunges under the other plates leading edge, eventually to melt back into the liquid mantle below. As the subducting plate is heated back up to mantle temperatures, certain minerals in the plate melt sooner than others. (50)Minerals that melt at lower temperatures and are lighter than the surrounding material tend to rise, melting their way up through the overriding plate to erupt as volcanoes on the ocean floor. As these volcanoes grow, they rise above the ocean surface to form. lines of islands along the leading edge of the overriding plate. Numerous islands of Micronesia and Melanesia in the western Pacific were created in this way.