A. ec B. wc C. ew D. cw
单项选择题A system does not have a nameserver defined for IP address resolution. What file does AIX use to determine the IP address of a remote system?()
A. /etc/hosts B. /etc/names C. /etc/rc.tcpip D. /etc/resolv.conf
单项选择题An operator wants to view all the scheduled jobs on a system. Which of the following locations would house scheduled jobs?()
A. /etc/var/spool B. /var/spool/cron C. /var/sched/jobs D. /usr/sched/crontabs
单项选择题An operator wants to move all files inside the directory home operator to the current directory. Which of the following commands will complete the task?()
A. mv /home/operator . B. mv /home/operator/* . C. mv /home/operator ../.. D. mv /home/operator/all ../home/operator
单项选择题Which of the following commands will list available paging space on a system?()
A. lsps B. lsps -a C. lsps -pg D. lsps ALL
单项选择题Operator needs to remove all leading comments # from shell.script file. Which of the following vi sub-command can achieve this?()
A. :r/^#//g B. :1,$ s/^#//g C. :sed s/^#//g D. :sub s/^#//g