The reason why the author accepted the invitation of the Global Campaign for education is that______. A.the organization can put many influential organizations and people together B.he will get the opportunity to meet with the activist Graca Machel C.the organization will give the author a capacity to publish his report on education D.he wants to promote a global push on education to solve the youth umemployment
A. A.the B.he C.the D.he
D 属信息推断题。选项A犯了答非所问的错误,虽然选项A的内容符合原文,但并不符合题意,故错误。选项B犯了无中生有的错误,文中只提及作者将与此人一道工作,而不是说作者接受该组织的邀请就为了见这个人,故错误。选项C犯了移花接木的错误,文中只说作者发表了一篇文章,而并未提及该组织授予作者资格发表文......