未分类题Why did several countries reject the United States call?A.This call would help opposition groups.B.It would cause street protest.C.It was an attempt to interfere a country's domestic affair.D.Some presidents had been unseated.
未分类题Although Indonesia government and separatist rebels agreed _____ after the Indian Ocean tsunami, clashes continued.A.a peace talkB.a formal ceasefireC.an informal ceasefireD.a temporary withdrawal
单项选择题信用卡诈骗罪是指违反有关信用卡管理规定,采取使用伪造或作废的信用卡、冒用他人信用卡或者恶意透支等方式,诈骗公共财物,数额较大的行为 下列行为不属于信用卡诈骗的是A.刘某领取长城信誉卡后一直多取少存,高额透支十万余元后外逃 B.王某在某宾馆拾到一张万事达信誉卡后,以卡主的名义在该宾馆消费5万余元。 C.秦某趁邻居不备之际,进入其家中拿走信誉卡,并消费5万余元。 D.赵某利用工作之便伪造了许多张信誉卡,并利用这些信誉卡进行高额消费。
未分类题Which of the following is NOT the reason of Syrians withdrawal from Lebanon?A.Syrian military forces have been in Lebanon for more than 30 years.B.Huge demonstration in Beirut.C.International condemnation.D.The death of the former Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri.