
What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
A.Hawaii is in short of the hotels now.
B.Japanese tourists account for the most part of the travelers.
C.The unemployment rate in Hawaii is very low.
D.Hawaii may change its 'welcome' policy.




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未分类题Theories of social control focus on the strategies and techniques which help regulate human behavior. and thus lead to conformity and compliance of the rules of society, including the influences of family, school, morals, values, beliefs, etc.. Does existence of rules guarantee peaceful existence of the group? Who is to ensure compliance with such rules? Social control theorists are out to study such questions. (46)They are interested in learning why people conform. to norms; they ask why people conform. in the face of so much temptation, peer pressure, and inducement. Juveniles and adults conform. to the law in response to certain controlling forces which are present in their lives. Thus, they are likely to become criminal when the controlling forces in their lives are defective or absent. (47)Social control theorists argue that the more involved and committed a person is to conventional activities, the greater the attachment to others (such as family and friends), the less likely that a person is to violate the rules of society. Social control has its roots in the early part of this century in the work of sociologist E.A. Ross. (48)Ross believed that belief systems, not specific laws, guide what individuals do and this serves to control behavior, no matter the forms that beliefs may take. Social control is often seen as all-encompassing, practically representing any phenomenon leading to conformity, which leads to norms. Others see social control as a broad representation of regulated mechanisms placed upon societys members. In other words, social control regards what is to be considered deviant, violations of the law, right or wrong. (49)Social control mechanisms can be adopted as laws, norms, mores, ethics, etiquette, and customs, which all control and thus define behavior. Social control theory is viewed from two perspectives. The macrosocial perspective explores formal control systems for the control of groups, including the legal system such as laws, law enforcement, powerful groups in society (who can help influence laws and norms) and economic and social directives of government or private organizations. Such controls can serve to be either positive or negative. (50)On the other hand, the microsocial perspective focuses on informal control systems, which help to explain why individuals conform. It also considers the source of control to be external, that is, outside of the person. We will focus on microsocial views of social control while examining the theories of Travis Hirshi (Social Bonds) and Gresham Sykes and David Matzas Techniques of Neutralization (Drift Theory). Walter Reckless Containment Theory is also included here as a theory of social control, although we can also consider it a self-concept approach.

未分类题While many people might assume that Mothers Day is a holiday invented by the fine folks at Hallmark, its not so. The earliest Mothers Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece, honoring Rhea, the Mother of the Gods. The Romans called their version of the event the Hilaria, and celebrated on the Ides(古罗马历中的3月15日) of March by making offerings in the temple of Cybele, the mother of the Gods. Early Christians celebrated the festival on the fourth Sunday of Lent in honor of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ. In more recent times, relatively speaking—England in the 1600s—the celebration was expanded to include all mothers with 'Mothering Sunday' being celebrated on the 4th Sunday of Lent (the 40 day period leading up to Easter). (46)Besides attending church services in honor of the Virgin Mary, children returned home from the cities with gifts, flowers, and special Mothering Day cakes that were important parts of the celebration. Mothers Day festivities in the United States date back to 1872 when Julia Ward Howe (her other claim to fame was writing the lyrics(歌词) for the 'Battle Hymn of the Republic') suggested the day be dedicated to peace. Ms. Howe would hold organized Mothers Day meetings in Boston, Massachusetts ever year. In 1907, Ana Jarvis, a Philadelphia, Pennsylvania school teacher, furthered the cause by beginning a campaign to establish a national Mothers Day. (47)Ms. Jarvis persuaded her mothers church in Grafton, West Virginia to celebrate Mothers Day on the second anniversary of her mothers death, which happened to be on the 2nd Sunday of May that year. By the following year, Mothers Day was also being celebrated in Philadelphia. Not content to rest on her laurels(殊荣), Ms. Jarvis and her supporters began to write to ministers, businessmen, and politicians in their quest to establish a national Mothers Day and in 1912, the Mothers Day International Association was incorporated for the purpose of promoting the day and its observance. (48)In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson made it official by proclaiming Mothers Day a national holiday that was to be held each year on the 2nd Sunday of May. It is somewhat ironic that after all her efforts, Ana Jarvis ended up growing bitter over what she perceived as the corruption of the holiday she created. (49)She hated the commercialization of the holiday and grew so enraged by it that she filed a lawsuit to stop a 1923 Mothers Day festival and was even arrested for disturbing the peace at a mothers gathering where women sold white carnations(康乃馨)—Jarvis symbol for mothers—to raise money. Ana Jarvis story is not a happy one. Things went from bad to worse and she eventually lost everything and everyone that was close to her and died alone in a sanatorium(疗养地) in 1948. Shortly before her death, Jarvis told a reporter she was sorry she had ever started Mothers Day. (50)Aha may be gone. but Mothers Day lives on, regardless of whether it meets her approval. Many countries throughout the world celebrate Mothers Day at various times throughout the year, but some such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, and Belgium also celebrate Mothers Day on the second Sunday of May.