2AF=AB = BD=DE=AE Column A Column B The sum of the area of triangular region ABF The area of rectangular region BCEF and the area of triangular region CDE A.if the quantity in Column A is greater B.if the quantity in Column B is greater C.if the two quantity are equal D.if the relationship cannot be determined from the information given
A.if B.if C.if D.if
D 解析:本题的正确为(D)。考生在做该题时要借助图形来解。根据题中所给出的已知条件,可知A,B,D,E四点可构成一个菱形,而B,C,F,E四点则构成一个长方形。左项为△ABF与△CDE面积之和,右项为长方形BCEF的面积。则存在两个三角形和一个长方形,且两三角形的一边为长方形的一边,由此考......