
苏教版七年级上册数学补充习题6.1 线段、射线、直线(1)答案



1、直线:MN,OM, ON;

未分类题A soap is a popular television drama serial (连续剧) about the daily lives and problems of a group of people. The stories make TV viewers laugh, cry and wait to see what happens next. Thus, viewers would come. For some soap fans, it is like the end of the world when 'Another World' ends after 35-year run. That's because soaps these days can't satisfy devoted viewers. Altogether, daily viewers have decreased from 69.6 million to 48.8 million since 1991. For instance, ABC's 'All My Children' drew 8.3 million in 1991, now 4.5 million. One reason is that soaps are difficult in an era marked by various electronic games. Girls who used to watch daytime dramas with their mothers now go to their rooms where they can watch cable on their own TV set, or play video games, or wander on the Internet. Besides, the audience was too old, at 47 on average(平均). TV stations have to get the right viewers because women, from 18 to 49, have the income to buy the things pushed by advertisers. It's gotten to the point where it's financially (经济上) driven. But networks aren't about to drop soaps, as long as advertisers like them so much. It's very efficient and cheap to add heavily a number of ads. On the other hand, there's not much to replace them. Talk and other shows have a bad record, and they don't reach a concentrated female audience. The channels believe that they will attract younger viewers, the next generation(一代人) of soap watchers, by starring new characters and putting in fresh blood into plot(情节) lines. There is no secret. People want a good story.The soap industry has to work harder to attract the audience for the following reasons except that ______.A.advertisers and faithful viewers need itB.other TV shows are much better and going to beat the soapC.there are various ways of enjoymentD.the young generation don't like soaps

未分类题阅读下面短文,回答下列五道题。 白鹤梁是一段长约1 600米、平均宽约15米的石梁,位于重庆市涪陵区北面的长江中,因从前经常有许多白鹤栖息十梁上而得名。白鹤梁多数时候隐没在江水中,只有在枯水期才显露出来。自唐代广德元年(公元763年)以来,人们以在石梁上刻石鱼的方法记录了长江的枯水位;石梁上还有许多诗文碑刻,也写到了石鱼出水的时间和石鱼距离枯水线的尺度等。这些石鱼和碑刻是非常珍贵的水文资料,为探索过去1 200年以来长江上游枯水期的发生和水量变化的规律提供了极其准确的科学依据,因此白鹤梁被誉为“世界第一古代水文站”。加上白鹤梁上的题刻大多出自历代名家之手,具有极高的艺术欣赏和保留价值,白鹤梁因此成为三峡库区唯一一处国家级文物保护单位。 白鹤梁的表层由硬质砂岩和软质页岩组成,由于砂岩下的泥质岩容易被水流淘空,悬空的砂岩岩体容易蹦落或翻转,再加上风化、船只撞击等因素,因此尽管白鹤梁的石鱼和题刻保存尚好,但也开始出现一些环境地质灾害。同时,白鹤梁的标高是138米,而三峡工程坝前水位将达到175米,白鹤梁在三峡工程最终竣工以后将永远沉没于水下,如此高的水位也将使它经受不住强大的水压而导致损坏。如何保护白鹤梁成为水利专家们心中的一件大事。 从1994年起,国家开始组织专家为保护白鹤梁出谋划策,先后有天津大学、长江水利委员会、三峡建设委员会和武汉大学等提出了各种方案。天津大学的“水下博物馆”方案认为,可以建一个密封的椭圆形双层壳体,罩在石梁上,人们可以通过隧道进入壳体内进行参观、考察和维护。但是这一方案技术难度大,费用高,而且被放在水下几十米深的壳体要承受很大的水压,一旦破损,就会毁坏石梁,因此被否决了。最后提交审议的是三峡建设委员会的方案.将白鹤梁就地淤埋,等将来我们的子孙后代有能力时再去发掘和利用,而在岸边水位变动区仿造一个白鹤梁。 不知什么原因,向来与文物保护工作没有接触的葛修润院士被邀请参加了专家评审会,于是他在出差路过北京时专门去国家文物局查看了有关资料,发现即将接受评审的唯一方案不妥,实际上没有很好地体现保护文物的初衷。葛院士在总结各种方案优缺点的基础上,结合自己丰富的专业知识,提出了新的方案。新方案与天津大学的方案类似,不同的是天津大学采用的是有压容器,即罩住白鹤梁的壳体要承受很大的水压,而新方案是无压容器,即把过滤后的江水注入壳体内,使壳体内外的水压达到平衡。这样技术难度小了,费用低了,最重要的是不再存在毁坏石梁的危险。2003年2月13日,葛院士为白鹤梁专门度身定做的“水下宫殿”正式动工,白鹤梁也可以“永见天日”了。根据文意,下列白鹤梁被誉为“世界第一古代水文站”的原因,错误的一项是______。A.古人在石染上刻画的石鱼,记录了1 200年以来长汀的枯水位B.石梁上许多古代诗文碑刻反映了石鱼的出水时间和距离枯水线的尺度C.为探索长江上游枯水期的发生和水量变化的规律提供了极其珍贵的历史资料D.石梁上反映长江水位的题刻大多出自历代名家之手,具有艺术欣赏和保留价值