未分类题What seems to be the significance of the study according to Singer?A.Spanking is added to be one of the factors affecting children's acts.B.Aggression of children will be given a serious study in later research.C.Corporal punishment should be forbidden both at home and in school.D.It adds credibility to the appeal of stopping punishing children physically.
未分类题We can conclude from the passage that the scientific means for recycling solid waste______.A.requires further researchB.is available nowC.remains to be developedD.is still being experimented
未分类题It can be seen that among all of the factors______.A.spanking plays a strong role in explaining children's aggressive behaviorB.spanking accounts partly for children's negative behavior. in later ageC.mother plays an important role in deciding whether a child is aggressiveD.mother's spanking has the worst effect on a child's behavior