A. 3600 series B. 7200 series with NSE-1 C. 7500 series D. 12000 series
单项选择题Which routing protocol best fits these requirements?() - Supported by multiple router vendors - Requires minimum router CPU and memory resources - Uses a simple routing metric - Supports manual or automatic route summarization
A. includes all modules needed to meet any network design B. defines flexible boundaries between modules for scalability requirements C. clearly defines module boundaries and demarcation points to identify where traffic is D. requires specific core, distribution, and access layer requirements to match the model
单项选择题WhatisthefirststepthatyouwoulduseCiscoProductAdvisorforwhenselectingarouterforan Edgesolution?()
A. determine types of protocols to be supported B. determine the environment in which the router will be used C. select the number of WAN ports required D. select the number of LAN ports required
单项选择题CaptainMarion’sVideographydeliversInternetdigitalvideousing9MPEGvideoencodersandastatisticalmultiplexer.Channelsarepackedintoa6-MHzchannelbandwidth.TheMPEGmultiplexemonitorsandallocatestheappropriatebandwidth.Themultiplexermeasuresavailable bandwidthandfeedsbacksignalingtotheMPEGencoders.Codingratesarethenincreasedordecreased.Packetgenerationfromeachinputsourceiscontrolledsuchthatnopacketsaredroppedandnoextranullpacketscanbegenerated.Thesebandwidthandtrafficrequirementsworkbestwithwhichmodeofvideodelivery?()
A. fixed broadcast B. open looped C. quality equalization D. VoD delivery
多项选择题YouarethenetworkconsultantfromCisco.com.Pleasepointouttwostatementscorrectly describeanIPSdevice?()
A. It resembles a Layer 2 bridge. B. Traffic flow through the IPS resembles traffic flow through a Layer 3 router. C. Inline interfaces which have no IP addresses cannot be detected. D. Malicious packets that have been detected are allowed to pass through, but all subsequent traffic is blocked.