单项选择题外用治疮疡肿毒时,以清热泻火止痛见长,善治口齿、咽喉、耳目之疾的药物是A.麝香 B.冰片 C.苏合香 D.石菖蒲
未分类题what type of speaking tasks does the following activity belong to ? t: she reads english every morning. t: go to school. ss: she goes to school every morning. t: drive to work. ss: she drives to work every morning.():A. Controlled activity.B. Semi-controlled activity.C. Role-play.D. Information-gap activity.
未分类题__________ means planning a number of different types of activities and where possible, introducing students to a wide selection of materials so that learning is always interesting, motivating and never monotonous for the students.:A. VarietyB. FlexibilityC. LinkageD. Learnability