A.timezone EST -5 B.clock timezone GMT -5 C.dock GMT -5 D.clock EST-5 E.NTP timezone EST -5 F.dock timezone EST -5
A.Mismatched EtherChannel protocol B.Mismatched EtherChannel port selection C.Mismatched EtherChannel distribution algorithm D.Mismatched trunk mode E.Mismatched native VLAN F.Mismatched link speed
A.NAT mapping B.NAT overloading C.NAT caching D.Static NAT E.Dynamic NAT F.Overlapping NAT
A.The network is load balancing among different members of the VRRP group B.The default hello timers are 1 second C.The interface IP address is being used as the virtual IP address D.There are several routers in the group simultaneously forwarding traffic for the group E.It is a Cisco Proprietary protocol F.The default hello timers are 3 seconds
A.A routed port does not run STP or DTP B.A routed port is considered to be in a down state if it is not operational at both Layer 1 andLayer 2 C.An SVI is considered to be in a down state if it is not operational at both Layer 1 and Layer 2 D.An SVI is considered to be in a down state only when none of the ports in the correspondingVLAN are active E.An SVI port does not run 5TP or DTP F.To create a trunk, an SVI can be logically divided into subinterfaces
A.The interface you configured for AutoQoS is set to half-duplex B.AutoQoS was configured on only one end of the link C.The interface you configured for AutoQoS has no IP address D.The interface’s bandwidth is not correctly configured E.CEF is not enabled on the interface F.You enabled AutoQoS on the interface but forgot to enable globally first