判断题营养繁殖是利用植物营养器官(根、茎、叶、芽等)的一部分为繁殖材料,在一定条件下人工培育成完整新植株。( )
判断题能引起植物病害的的生物称为病原物,真菌、病毒、寄生性种子植物、螨类都属于病原物。( )
判断题The statistics show the number of teens using tobacco has started to decline from record highs in 1997, so the mumber will stop distrubing.()
判断题To support the econmy, the United States Federal Reserve lowered interest rates.()
判断题The people with windfall tend to tell their closest friends and relatives and make their lives with visble changes.()
判断题From the gas stations and convenience stores, most middle school and high school smokers get their tobacco.()
判断题According to the national survey by the CDCOSH, we can know that less than 3 million kids between the ages of 12 and 17 are lighting up.()
判断题Bertelsen advises people to say nothing at all but can make some visible change of their lives.()
判断题More than a quarter of the winners were so scared of facing the disapproval of the greed of others that they seldom told a single other person about their windfall.()
判断题In USA.the legal age to buy tobacco is17.()
判断题Despite laws designed to keep cigarettes away from kids, 15 percent of U.S.high school students and 34 percent fo middle school students use tobacco products, fovernment health officials say.()
判断题Anyone can guess a lot about your personality when you choose a pair of socks or cushion.()