
The laws formulated and revised by the National People's Congress are the basic statutes concerning 1 law , 2 law, and 3 law. The NPC Standing Committee enacts and 4 statutes with the exception of those which should be 5 by the NPC, such as the 6 on Administrative Penalties for Public Security. The State Council, the highest organ of state administration, has the power to issue 7 rules and regulations, standardized 8 , and instructions which are second only to the Constitution and laws in terms of status. In accordance with the Constitution and the relevant 9 laws, the people's 10 and their standing committees of the provinces,autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.


答案:1. Civil 2. Criminal 3. Administrative 4. Amend 5. Enacted 6. Law 7. Administrative 8. Documents 9. Administrative 10. Congresses

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