
Almost exactly a year ago, in a small village in Northern India, Andrea Milliner was bitten on the leg by a dog. 'It must have (1)_____ your nice white flesh', joked the doctor (2)_____ he dressed the wounD.Andrea and her husband Nigel were determined not to let it (3)_____ their holiday, and thought no more (4)_____ the dog, which had meanwhile quietly disappeared (5)_____ the villagE.
'We didn't realize there was (6)_____ wrong with it,' says Nigel. 'It was such a small, (7)_____ dog that rabies didn't (8)_____ my mind'. But, six weeks later,23-year-old Andrea was deaD.The dog had been rabiD.No one had thought it necessary to (9)_____ her anti-rabies treatment. When, back home in England, she began to show the classic (10)_____—unable to drink, catching her breath—her own doctor put it (11)_____ to hysteriA.Even when she was (12)_____ into an ambulance, hallucinating, recoiling in (13)_____ at the sight of water, she was directed (14)_____ the nearest mental hospital.
But if her symptoms (15)_____ little attention in life, in death (16)_____ achieved a publicity close to hysteriA.Cases like Andrea are (17)_____, but rabies is still one of the most feared diseases known to man. The disease is (18)_____ by a bite of a lick from an (19)_____ animal. It can, in very exceptional circumstances, be inhaled—two scientists died of it after (20)_____ bat dung in a cave in Texas.



解析:词汇辨析及上下文理解。fancied 喜欢,想象;flashed 闪光;flopped 飘动;gasped 喘气。本文从句意可判断出医生开玩笑说那条狗一定是喜欢吃Andrea的肉,其它选项均不合题意。

未分类题In recent years, railroads have been combining with each other, merging into super systems, causing heightened concerns about monopoly. As recently as 1995, the top four railroads accounted for under 70% of the total ton-miles moved by rails. Next year, after a series of mergers is completed, just four railroads will control well over 90% of all the freight moved by major rail carders.Supporters of the new super systems argue that these mergers will allow for substantial cost reductions and better coordinated servicE.Any threat of monopoly, they argue, is removed by fierce competition from trucks. But many shippers complain that for heavy bulk commodities traveling long distances, such as coal, chemicals, and grain, trucking is too costly and the railroads therefore have them by the throat.The vast consolidation within the rail industry means that most shippers are served by only one Rail Company Railroads typically charge such 'captive' shippers 20% to 30% more than they do when another railroad is competing for the business. Shippers who feel they are being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal government's Surface Transportation Board for rate relief, but the process is expensive, time-consuming, and will work only in truly extreme cases.Railroads justify rate discrimination against 'captive' shippers on the grounds that in the long run it reduces everyone's cost. If railroads charged all customers the same average rate, they argue, shippers who have the option of switching to trucks or other forms of transportation would do so, leaving remaining customers to shoulder the cost of keeping up the linE.It's a theory to which many economists subscribe, but in practice it often leaves railroads in the position of determining which companies will flourish and which will fail.' Do we really want railroads to be the arbiters of who wins and who loses in the marketplace?' asks Martin Bercovici, a Washington lawyer who frequently represents shippers.Many 'captive' shippers also worry they will soon be hit with a round of huge rate increases. The railroad industry as a whole, despite its brightening fortunes, still does not earn enough to cover the cost of the capital it must invest to keep up with its surging traffiC.Yet railroads continue to borrow billions to acquire one another, with Wall Street cheering them on. Consider the $10.2 billion hid by Norfolk Southern and CSX to acquire Conrail this year. Conrail's net railway operating income in 1996 was just $427 million, less than half of the carrying costs of the transaction. Who's going to pay for the rest of the bill? Many 'captive' shippers fear that they will, as Norfolk Southern and CSX increase their grip on the market.According to those who support mergers, railway monopoly is unlikely because______.A.cost reduction is based on competitionB.services call for cross-trade coordinationC.outside competitors will continue to existD.shippers will have the railway by the throat
