未分类题在窗体上从左到右有Text1、Text2两个文本框(见图),要求运行程序时在Text1中输入—个分数后按回车键,则判断分数的合法性,若分数为0~100中的—个数,则光标移到Text2中;否则光标不动,并弹出对话框“分数错”。下面程序中正确的是______。A.Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) IfKeyAscii=13 Then '回车符的ASCII码是13 a=Va1(Text1) If a>=0 Or a<=100 Then Text2.SetFocus Else Text1.SetFocus : MsgBox('分数错') End If End If End SubB.Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) IfKeyAscii=13 Then '回车符的ASCII码是13 a=Val(Text1) Ifa>=0 And a<=100 Then Text1.SetFocus Else Text2.SetFocus : MsgBox('分数错') End If End If End SubC.Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) IfKeyAscii=13 Then '回车符的ASCII码是13 a=Val(Text1) If a<0 And a>100 Then Text2.SetFocus Else Text1.SetFocus : MsgBox('分数错') End If End If End SubD.Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) IfKeyAscii=13 Then '回车符的ASCII码是13 a=Val(Text1) If a>=0 And a<=100 Then Text2.SetFocus Else Text1.SetFocus : MsgBox('分数错') End If End If End Sub
单项选择题A、 B、 C、 D、
未分类题有以下程序int f1(int x, int y){ return x>y? x:y;}int f2(int x, int y){ return x>y? y:x;}main(){ int a=4,b=3,c=5,d,e,f; d=f1(a,B) ;d=f1(d,C) ; e=f2(a,B) ;e=f2(e,C) ; f=a+b+c-d-e; cout<<d<<', '<<f<<', '<<e<<end1;}执行后输出结果是D.3,5,4