It can be inferred that the author would define as 'political' (Line 1, ParA.3) the questions that _____. A.cannot be resolved without extensive debatE. B.are primarily academic in nature and open to abstract analysis. C.are contested largely through contention over power. D.will be debated by both men and women.
A.3) B. A.cannot C. B.are D. C.are E. D.will
C 解析:推理判断题。本题问:可以推理作者把哪些问题定义为'政治的'?第3段第1句写道:'这些问题在一定意义上是政治性的:在这些问题上的争论与其说是以一种无私去探索抽象问题的研究精神,还不如说是一场学术性的权力之争。在这场斗争中许多女性学者(只是现在才大量进入学术专业领域)的学术生涯与专业命......