

公安工作要贯彻落实党的十六届三中全会精神和《中共中央关于进一步加强和改进公安工作的决定》,紧紧围绕全面建设小康社会的总目标,牢牢把握维护好重要战略机遇期社会稳定的总要求,不断增强( ),坚持与时俱进,坚持执法为民,大力推进公安队伍正规化建设,全面提升公安工作的水平和公安队伍的战斗力,切实担负起巩固共产党执政地位,维护国家长治久安、保障人民安居乐业的重大政治和社会责任。


未分类题All Americans are at least vaguely (1)_____ with the (2)_____ of the American Indian. Cutbacks in federal programs for Indians have made their problems (3)_____ more severe in recent years. Josephy reports,' (4)_____ 1981 it was estimated that cut, backs in federal programs for Indians totaled about $500 million' (5)_____ mole than ten times the cuts affecting their (6)_____ fellow Americans. This reduced funding is affecting almost all aspects of reservation life, (7)_____ education. If the Indians could solve their (8)_____ problems, solutions to many of their other problems might not be far behinD.In, this paper the current status of Indian education will be described and (9)_____ and some ways of improving this education will be proposeD.Whether to (10)_____ with the dominant American culture or to (11)_____ Indian culture has been a longstanding issue in Indian education. The next fifty years became a period of (12)_____ assimilation in all areas of Indian culture, but especially in religion and education.John Collier, a reformer who agitateD.(13)_____ Indians and their culture from the early 1920s until his death in 1968, had a different ideA.He believed that instead of effacing native culture, Indian schools (14)_____ encourage and (15)_____ it.Pressure to assimilate remains a potent force today, (16)_____. More and more Indians are graduating from high school and college and becoming (17)_____ for jobs in the non-Indian society.' When Indians obtain the requisite skills, many of them enter the broader American society and succeeD.' (18)_____ approximately 90 percent of all Indian children are educated in state public school systems (Taylor 136, 155). (19)_____ these children compete with the members of the dominant society, however, is another (20)_____.A.agreeableB.regardlessC.familiarD.sympathetic


未分类题During the whole of a dull, dark and soundless day in the, autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in the heavens, had been passing alone, on horseback, through a singularly dreary tract of country, and at length found myself, as the shades of the evening drew on, within view of the melancholy House of Usher. Thus Edgar Allan Poe opened his story of the fall of the House of Usher in 1839. In this beautifully crafted sentence he captured so much that is essential to the horror story: darkness, ominous solitude, foreboding calm, apprehension and uncertainty, and a deep feeling of melancholy that could soon turn to fear.Many kinds of fiction are self-explanatory: mysteries, Westerns, love stories, spy thrillers, and science fiction define themselves by the terms used to name them. The horror story is less easily defined, perhaps because other types of fiction so often use the trappings of terror to enhance their plots. Charles Dickens used the vehicle of an old-fashioned ghost story to tell A Christmas Carol, but that book is not a honor story. Nor does a Grimm brothers fairy tale such as Hansen and Grate with its child-devouring witch, belong to the genrE.The nature of the horror story is. best indicated by the title of the 1980s television series Tales from the Dark SidE.Human beings have always acknowledged that there is evil in the world and a dark side to human nature that cannot be explained except perhaps in religious terms. This evil may be imagined as having an almost unlimited power to inspire anxiety, fear, dread, and terror in addition to doing actual physical and mental harm.In the tale of horror quite ordinary people are confronted by something unknown and fearful, which can be neither understood nor explained in reasonable terms. It is the emphasis on the unreasonable that lies at the heart of horror stories. This kind of literature arose in the 18th century at the start of a movement called Romanticism. The movement was a reaction against a rational, orderly world in which humanity was basically good and everything could be explained scientifically. The literary type that inspired the horror story is Gothic fiction, tales of evil, often set in sinister medieval surroundings. This original kind of horror fiction has persisted to the present.In his novel, Edgar Allen Poe _______.A.integrated the description of beauty into his horror storyB.used a lot of typical descriptions of horror storiesC.was universally considered as the father of horror storyD.combined a touch of sadness in his description of horror
